=========================================================== == Subject: Wide links protection broken == == CVE ID#: CVE-2022-3592 == == Versions: All versions of Samba since 4.17.0 == == Summary: A malicious client can use a symlink to escape == the exported directory =========================================================== =========== Description =========== Samba 4.17 introduced following symlinks in user space with the intent to properly check symlink targets to stay within the share that was configured by the administrator. The check does not properly cover a corner case, so that a user can create a symbolic link that will make smbd escape the configured share path. Clients that have write access to the exported part of the file system under a share via SMB1 unix extensions or NFS can create symlinks can use the vulnerability to get access to all of the server's file system. ================== Patch Availability ================== Patches addressing this issue has been posted to: https://www.samba.org/samba/security/ Samba 4.17.2 has been issued as a security releases to correct the defect. Samba administrators are advised to upgrade to this release as soon as possible. ================== CVSSv3.1 calculation ================== CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N (5.4) ================================= Workaround and mitigating factors ================================= Do not enable SMB1 (please note SMB1 is disabled by default in Samba from version 4.11.0 and onwards). This prevents the creation of symbolic links via SMB1. If SMB1 must be enabled for backwards compatibility then add the parameter: unix extensions = no to the [global] section of your smb.conf and restart smbd. This prevents SMB1 clients from creating symlinks on the exported file system. However, if the same region of the file system is also exported using NFS, NFS clients can create symlinks that potentially can also hit the race condition. For non-patched versions of Samba we recommend only exporting areas of the file system by either SMB2 or NFS, not both. ========================================================== == Our Code, Our Bugs, Our Responsibility. == The Samba Team ==========================================================