--- ProfileMgmt.xml.orig Fri Feb 4 18:28:11 2005
+++ ProfileMgmt.xml Fri Feb 4 18:28:18 2005
@@ -490,6 +490,20 @@
+ User Profile Hive Cleanup Service
+ There certain cases when cached local copy of roaming profile will not be deleted on exit (even if
+policy is set to force such deletion). To deal with that situation special service was created.
+UPHClean (User Profile Hive Cleanup) is installed as service on any nt-like system (which includes NT4, Windows 2000,
+Windows XP and Windows 2003).
+Package of UPHClean can be downloaded from User Profile Hive Cleanup Service
Sharing Profiles between W9x/Me and NT4/200x/XP Workstations
Sharing of desktop profiles between Windows versions is not recommended. Desktop profiles are an